About Repair Cafe Sandbach
Sandbach Partnership established Repair Cafe Sandbach (RCS) in September 2023 with the aim of reducing items going to landfill and promoting the sharing of skills across generations.
UK households generated 25.7 million tonnes of total waste in 2022 (source: Gov.uk) and we can all play a small part in reducing this by recycling at home, reusing old materials and repairing things that can be fixed.
RCS is operated by Sandbach Partnership and is supported by a number of local volunteers who all share a passion for keeping our planet green! Our volunteer fixers range from ex-professional tradespersons to DIY enthusiasts.
All repairs are undertaken on a ‘best endeavours’ basis and are free of charge*. Tea, coffee, cakes and savouries are also available**.
RCS is self-funded by the generous donation of those who value the repair undertaken and these donations are used to pay for the venue and small materials.
The RCS takes place on the third Saturday of each month at St Peter’s Church Hall, Elworth (see below for a full list of dates and times). The hall has excellent facilities including ample parking and good disabled access.
* Parts are not provided, please supply or agree a cost with the fixer to be paid in advance. ** We request a small donation for this provision.